
Practical and Easy Learning

Music Theory

If you need an easy and practical approach to learning music theory look no further. You can buy and download my music theory eBooks right here:

Understanding Chords on the Piano

Practical Learning
This is more than just a piano chord book, a the title suggests. It also gives you rich information about the theory of chords. Understanding the way chords are constructed is as important as learning to play them.

Who is this book for

​The aim is to help piano players, songwriters, composers and music producers to understand how to construct chords, name chords, and learn the formulas of chords. The chord charts provided will give you the information you need for understanding and learning chords.
​I would also recommend this book to piano teachers and students. ¨Understanding Chords on the Piano¨ serves the subject on a plate to the student in a highly practical manner and it gives a great overview and understanding of the subject.

The Starting Block of Music Theory

Easy Learning

The Starting Block of Music Theory

This book is great for you if you already play an instrument and want to learn basic music and notation. There are many possibilities, with just a little study time music becomes easier to understand and more interesting. It is also a lot more fun when you know a little more.

So what are you waiting for? Just start reading and remember to use your instrument if there is something in the book you would like to try and play. It is always an advantage if you keep your instrument close at hand.

Useful tips for learning music
theory from this book

Remember to take one step at a time and to read music theory for 10 to 15 minutes a day. That is plenty to start with. It is a bit like learning an instrument, if you practice a little each day then you will see results over time. The same applies to music theory. If something seems difficult then stop for a while, spend a little extra time on it or go back over some things, take your time. Once in a while you can jump over something and move on further, then when you go back at a later stage things will become clearer for you.

Musikkteori i startgropen

Med øvelser

Musikkteori i startgropen

Denne boken passer for deg som vil lære litt mer om musikkteori, eller for deg som spiller et instrument. Kanskje du vil lære å skrive litt noter også? Mulighetene er mange, med litt studering blir musikk mer forståelig, men også mer spennende. Gøy kan det også være når en kan litt mer om dette.

Så hva venter du på? Det er bare å begynne å lese, og husk å bruke instrumentet ditt om det er noe i boken du vil prøve å spille, det er alltid en fordel å ha et instrument på lur.

Tips for deg som vil lære musikkteori fra denne boken

Husk å ta et steg om gangen, les musikkteori 10-15 minutter for dagen, det holder til å begynne med. Det er litt som å lære et instrument, med jevn øving hver dag vil du få resultater over tid, slik er det også med musikkteori.

Om noe er vanskelig kan du stoppe opp litt, bruk litt mer tid på det, eller gå tilbake i boken og lese mer. Av og til kan du hoppe over ting og lese videre, og når du går tilbake senere vil du nok få en enda bedre oversikt.